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Valencia College AS Business Administration
Valencia College

AS Business Administration

Orlando, Соединённые Штаты Америки

2 up to 4 Years


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USD 9 383 / per year *

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* Estimated Annual Expenses for International Students- tuition and fees plus the cost of books, supplies, and mandatory insurance.


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The Business Administration Associate in Science (A.S.) degree at Valencia College is a two-year program that prepares you to go directly into a specialized career in business.

Is it a boom or bust? Why do some businesses succeed while others fail? What are the crucial skills needed to make a business profitable in today’s global economy? Answering these questions is the goal of any thriving company—and of Valencia’s Business Administration students. In this program, you will learn the psychology behind making companies profitable and efficient and develop the business skills needed to become a valuable asset within any company. Using input from hundreds of the country’s best employers regarding their changing job needs, Valencia is constantly updating this program to include the latest business skills and acumen students need to succeed in the business world.

Specializations Available:

  • Articulated A.S. to B.A./B.S Career Path
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Property and Casualty Insurance Management
  • Real Estate
  • Small Business


This program is designed for students who seek immediate employment in the field of business administration and/or who decide to utilize this Articulated A.S. to B.A./B.S. Career Path to transfer to any Florida public university as a junior to complete a four-year Bachelor’s degree in General Business Administration. It is designed to help students develop managerial know-how and become valuable assets to any company. Instruction in this program provides a balanced curriculum of general education and business-related subjects.

Business and Organizational Leadership Track

The Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Leadership (BASBOL) degree at Valencia College will provide opportunities for professional growth and advancement, and could increase your potential earnings.

A bachelor’s degree is often a requirement for management positions. The program’s curriculum prepares you for supervisory and management roles in your respective field. This degree will provide you with the essential skills necessary for developing an effective business plan and give you hands-on experience using the most current best practices in the industry.

All 3000 and 4000 level courses for the degree program will be initially offered at Valencia College West Campus. Online options for most 3000 and 4000 level courses will also be available.

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